2010   USA Big Cat Odyssey
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Director:Beverly Joubert, Dereck Joubert
Writer:Dereck Joubert
IMDb Rating:7.1 (7 votes)
Duration:52 min
Beverly Joubert, Dereck Joubert  ...  (Director)
Dereck Joubert  ...  (Writer)
Dereck Joubert  ...  Cinematographer
Dave McKay  ...  Cinematographer
Jacques Nortier  ...  Cinematographer
Candice Odgers  ...  Editor
Comments: Great retrospective of these wonderful filmmakers' career, although Beverly's attempt's at poetic philosophy are a little eye-rolly.

This is the Joubert's pivot film. A retrospective of their work with conservationist messaging that's loud (but reserved for the end so it doesn't bog down the film as a whole)

But the real pivot is from dark and brutal to a calmer, more family friendly approach that will inform their films moving forward

When they film a lion pride kill, say, a buffalo, instead of spending time on the kill, which can take hours but be highlighted, they tend to show us just the jump and then cut to a little dining. Bloody lion faces are still okay. The part they tend not to show as much after this pivot is when the lions take down a prey and one of them is trying to suffocate it with the famous throat grab, the others will start eating it while it's still alive causing it to scream in pain and wiggle about in discomfort

Basically they'll still show us that lions kill and eat other animals but they'll cut back on the brutality of it. They'll also move to more heartbreaking stories about cubs. Everybody loves cubs

Summary: For some people, studying big cats is not just a hobby, but a life's work. Following award-winning filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert on their 30-year-long quest to document the behaviour of big cats in Botswana, this film brings together three decades worth of material, including extraordinary footage of hunting lions, scavenging hyenas and stealthy leopards.

See firsthand the numerous changes that have led to dramatic decline of the lion population, and what needs to be done in order to ensure their survival. Live through some of the most extreme cat sequences ever captured on film. See a lion pride bring down a large buffalo, a blood feud erupt when scavenging hyenas move in on the kill and catch a glimpse of leopards who creep from the bushes to hunt and retreat into the trees before falling prey to larger killers. Beyond the blood and gore lies a stark reality: Big cats kill to live and live to kill.

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