2005   USA Predators at War
Predators at War Image Cover
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Director:Jeff Morales
Studio:National Geographic
Writer:John B. Bredar, Eleanor Grant
IMDb Rating:7.9 (22 votes)
Duration:97 min
Location:Mala Mala Reserve, South Africa
Jeff Morales  ...  (Director)
John B. Bredar, Eleanor Grant  ...  (Writer)
Mike Secher  ...  Narrator (voice)
Kim Wolhuter  ...  Cinematographer
Jeff Morales  ...  Cinematographer
Comments: Tense, good footage , spoiled a little by drama boy inserts

Summary: What happens when five great carnivores are forced to compete in excessively close quarters? What becomes of their natural order during catastrophic circumstances? Who hunts and who is hunted on this hotly contested battleground?

National Geographic Channel's Predators at War puts you inside the mind and on the battlefield with five fearsome predators. Join us for this innovative look at some of Africa's most fearsome predators as they battle the environment and each other during a brutal drought.

Follow Africa's mega-predators as they struggle for survival in a cruel season of deprivation on South Africa's Mala Mala Reserve. To survive, they must compete for the same resources using every physical and psychological weapon in their arsenals. Who will emerge as top predator? What will it take to survive? From the perspective of the very creatures now pitted against one another, this film reveals the ultimate inside look at animal survival through groundbreaking images, innovative storytelling and the visual language of war.

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