Summary: Based on a popular Internet novel, Naraka 19 is a horror thriller with a unique modern twist. For the first time since 49 Days, Gillian Chung of Twins takes on a lead film role as Rain, a student who checks into her university dorm room only to discover that it has a troubled and ominous history. Ten years prior, a student named Gao Yuan (Jones Xu) committed suicide in the room, and the resulting psychic scars run deep. Rain's roommates begin getting text messages on their mobile phones inviting them to play a special game, where they must traverse the 18 levels of Hell in order to reach the fabled "Naraka 19". However, the price for not passing a level is madness or even death! In order to uncover the game's secret, as well as her friends' fates, Rain agrees to join the game. Suddenly, she finds herself in a dark and fantastic world, surrounded by demons and otherworldly creatures, with only her wits and her surprisingly handy mobile phone to point the way home. The original fiction for Naraka 19 has attained quite a following online, resulting in some concerns from fans about how the film version would turn out. Allaying those fears is director Carol Lai, who follows up her last horror film, the under-appreciated The Third Eye with this new effort, utilizing state-of-the-art CG effects to render the fantastic levels of Hell visited by Rain and her roommates. The effects resemble those from the Pang Brothers hit Re-cycle, with hidden psychological pains bringing grisly imagery and the threat of violence to each character's individual Hell. Backing Gillian Chung is a promising cast, including Patrick Tam (Beast Cops), Shaun Tam (Star Runner), Yan Ng (Whispers and Moans), new EEG singer Vincy, models Maggie Li and Bonnie Xian, and finally Gillian Chung's Twin partner, Charlene Choi, in a very special cameo.