2022   USA Resurrection
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Director:Andrew Semans
Studio:Secret Engine, Square Peg, Tango Entertainment (III)
Writer:Andrew Semans
IMDb Rating:5.9 (5,011 votes)
Awards:2 nominations
Genre:Crime, Drama, Horror
Duration:103 min
Andrew Semans  ...  (Director)
Andrew Semans  ...  (Writer)
Rebecca Hall  ...  Margaret
Tim Roth  ...  David
Grace Kaufman  ...  Abbie
Michael Esper  ...  Peter
Angela Wong Carbone  ...  Gwyn
Josh Drennen  ...  Officer Geary
Rosemary Howard  ...  Desk Clerk
Winsome Brown  ...  Tess
Zarra Kaahn  ...  Amanda
Jaime Zevallos  ...  Driver
Owen Johnson  ...  Ben
Jackson Finnegan  ...  Ben
Mick Coleman  ...  Runner
Luca De Massis  ...  Patrick
Patrick Klein  ...  BioMatix Executive
Bradley Lewis  ...  BioMatix Employee
Rocco Palmieri  ...  Employee #9
Oliver Comstock Reynolds  ...  Locksmith
Jim Williams  ...  Composer
Wyatt Garfield  ...  Cinematographer
Ron Dulin  ...  Editor
Comments: Too much talking

This is a Farrah Fawcett movie with a Rebecca Hall upgrade. I would have punted it but thought it would be cool to watch Rebecca go nuts. So greasy. So good

Enjoyed the daughter, and Tim Roth is creepy

Some of the lighting in the film is excellent

Moments of Jaws-y soundtrack sound cheap

Summary: Margaret's life is in order. She is capable, disciplined and successful. Everything is under control until David returns - that is - carrying with him the horrors of Margaret's past.

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