cogito ergo mac

Bookmarklets for movie and dvd searching

Reviews & Info

IMDb Bookmarklet
MRQE Bookmarklet Movie Review Query Engine
Metacritic Bookmarklet
All Music Guide Bookmarklet (flaky, and their site is so slow)
Rotten Tomatoes Bookmarklet

Wikipedia Bookmarklet (because they often have useful external links)

DVDs and consumer reviews

Netflix Bookmarklet
Flixster Bookmarklet
Yahoo Movies Bookmarklet
Amazon Movies Bookmarklet

Alternative sources

ALTFG Bookmarklet Alternative Film Guide
Late Mag Bookmarklet
Getamovie Bookmarklet
Plume Noir Bookmarklet
Not Coming Bookmarklet
Film Database Bookmarklet
Worst Previews Bookmarklet
Beyond Hollywood Bookmarklet

Asian sources

dvdAsian Bookmarklet
Snowblood Bookmarklet Asian Extreme Cinema
Hancinema Bookmarklet
Asian MediaWiki Bookmarklet
Illuminated Lantern Bookmarklet

Movie posters

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How to change a Mozilla bookmarklet so it will work in Safari

A sample Google search bookmarklet's javascript code broken into three lines so we can see the differences. In usage the code must all be a single line.

Mozilla Google Search

if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('Keywords ...',''))};

Safari Google Search
if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('Keywords ...',''))};

If I knew JavaScript this might have been a no-brainer, but I don't. I would have thought a google search on the subject would have revealed a clear and easy answer right away. But no, so here it is.

[UPDATE] Not quite there yet. This solution doesn't work if the selection is more than one word. I believe the proper terminology is that it doesn't escape characters properly. A becomes <%20>, for example, not an escaped %20 but a real one, like "two%20words". Shit. This has become my white whale.
[UPDATE v2] It appears to depend on where it's escaping from, on something I can't pin down. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Maybe on the text-encoding of the web page?

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Bookmarklets: a list for mozilla browsers

For quick answers:

Wiki Bookmarklet
Answers Bookmarklet (this site has become so add heavy ya gotta use one of these to get in there)
Oxford Bookmarklet Bookmarklet

For more general searches:

Google Bookmarklet
Yahoo Bookmarklet
About Bookmarklet

For books and movies:

IMDB Bookmarklet Internet Movie Database
Powells Bookmarklet The great Portland, OR bookstore
Amazon Bookmarklet will search books. For a general Amazon search: Bookmarklet

To see if a book is full-text online:

IPL Bookmarklet Internet Public Library

Some special interest bookmarklets:

Snopes Bookmarklet Urban Legends
Urban Dictionary Bookmarklet

Wayback Machine

To be continued ...

How to change a Mozilla Bookmarklet so it might work in Safari

Bookmarklets for Movie and DVD searching

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